Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Word on the Street: REAL American Photos of the 2012 Presidential Election Part 3

And the MOST telling photo of all....

Monday, October 22, 2012

Word on the Street: REAL American Photos of the 2012 Presidential Election Part 2

                                                             TOO MUCH TRUTH!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

House Nigs for Sale: Why Ann Coulter brags "Our Blacks are So Much Better Than Their Blacks"

I've oftentimes described myself as a "recovering Black Republican"...not trying to make lite of those who truly struggle with some type of addiction. But it is very difficult to not share the fiscally conservative values that the party has been often known for and associated with. The fact is since I was of voting age, I'd been a card carrying member of the Republican Party. But not any longer.

As an entrepreneur and an intellectual, it only made sense to me. The Republican Party of Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp was about bootstrapping, preserving, conserving and living the American Dream. If the Republican Party was the party of the "rich", I definitely wanted in.

Even with all of the talk of fiscal conservatism and less taxes, others had agendas that did not include all Americans. Let's be real. As a Black Republican, I was far from clueless. Everyone in the party wasn't there for the same cause. Nor did they care about my vote or voice.

In the first election of  George W. Bush, I saw first hand how dirty the GOP was and how they would use anyone and anything to win at all cost. This was not the same value system that I had bought into. It became clear to me that the GOP had gone B-A-D.

In the 2004 Presidential Election, when a number of prominent Black Ministers sold the souls of their congregations to the GOP in exchange for Faith Based Initiatives (money coming from the Bush White House that Black Pastors used to fund different "ministries" within their churches at tax payers expense), I was deeply sadden and livid all at the same time.

The GOP has oftentimes been a place for racist whites to "hide" in plain sight. But I am of the opinion that the Republican Party is no longer just a place to cover up racist beliefs cloaked in christian conservatism, but is also now a "breeding ground" for overall social hatred, overt racism and any other right leaning extremism you can imagine. All garden variety hatred is condoned and welcomed.

A number of Black Ministers had their hands in the cookie jar of free money coming from the Bush White House. Each one preaching louder than the other. Some leading anti-gay so called "pro-marriage" marches making sure they were seen in the news (all while having  gay sex with teenage boys themselves & stealing the church blind, but I digress). Maybe these are the "blacks" Ann Coulter is referring to in her foolish comments.

In 2004 as the election approached, Gays & Lesbians became the open target of Republican hatred.  Sunday upon Sunday, Black christian conservatives had the fear of God put in them concerning Gay Rights and so called "Gay Marriage". It was this carefully orchestrated dog and pony show that caused Black Conservatives to provide the "tipping point" for a Republican win that re-elected George W. Bush to four more disgusting years. Enough Blacks bought into the notion that George W. Bush was God's choice....and it would be so displeasing if you did not vote for him. And a vote for John Kerry was a vote for the devil himself. Foolish "blacks" the party has no other use for you.  Tossed aside after use and only to be picked up again in 2011 when the party needs your help in "defeating" the President.

Arch Conservatives like Ann Coulter have absolutely no hesitation in making ignorant ass comments like "our Black are better their their Blacks". Because she is speaking from the heart of the GOP. Black Republicans like Herman Cain are seen as nothing more than House Niggas. Doing the bidding of a determined pro-white class within the party. A pro-white class that will use these same "blacks" as casualties of an undeclared race war.

Herman Cain
In the context of what Ann Coulter said, I agree in some sense....many Black conservatives tend to be "thinkers" and achievers. Some too busy achieving and ass kissing to even realize they are pawns in a dangerous political game. As oppose to the perceived lazy and welfare mentality of Black Democrats (a stereotype that must be addressed). So "better" may not be the proper choice of words. But Ann Coulter is seen as a racist bitch, so therefore; she will not get a pass from me. She meant nothing well by her comments.

Ann Coulter and The Republican Party did not plan for nor did they expect a "Barack Obama". Obama changed the Black Democrat game. An actual Black Democratic Presidential Candidate that did not come from the old Civil Rights regime. And a Bi-Racial Black intellectual, who was not the puppet of the GOP. How did the Democrats get so blessed? Maybe God just don't like ugly. After all what IS the Bush legacy, the end result of "their Blacks" votes? If you turn Cain's 9-9-9 plan upside down...you get 666. Hmm that's no accident.

I respect Herman Cain. I read his autobiography long before his run for any political office. And I listen to his talk show produced here in Atlanta. But I am of the never to be humbled opinion that Herman Cain needs to sit his ass down. If Herman Cain ran on a serious platform and wasn't so busy attacking the President, he'd come across more sincere. But it is obvious that he is loud talking and grandstanding all while lining his pockets in a feeble-minded strategy to split the "Black conservative vote" yet again in hopes of giving room for one of the "real GOP" candidates to possibly win. How stupid can "their blacks" be. Stop being a fool for foolishness. God IS trying to tell you something for real this time!

Monday, October 10, 2011

TV Imitates Life So Stop Hating On Tyler Perry!

The following is my response to all of the hateration being thrown at Tyler Perry. Someone suggested the tv show "Meet the Browns", Produced by Perry, is "cooning" at its best and that watching the show made you ashamed to be an "African American", a term I dislike to begin with for a myriad of reasons, but I digress. Here's my uncut response to the facebook comment:

I happen to think Meet the Brown's is funny as heck. It's "one" of my fave tv shows. Now, if you want to talk about the real things that should make us cringe...talk about the wide spread down low syndrome and the alarming rate of HIV & AIDS in our community as a result. Be ashamed of the condition of our people as a whole and the ignorance that runs amuck. Be disgraced by the crime and the pathology of criminal behavior that permeates Black men of all socioeconomic levels. Lower your head in shame as we fail to keep up intellectually and economically with whites, reds and browns. Be ashamed of our children who lack discipline, proper parental guidiance and a future that looks bleek. Be bashful about us not even having the decency to open our mouths and speak to one another. Be upset about us being the only species on the planet that refuses to do business with our community. Hide your face knowing that we are always looking to get over, get a hook up or take a short cut in every aspect of our lives. How can you be proud of any damn thing going on in the Black community as a whole other than the few exceptions to the rule. Be outraged that the only thing you see on tv is the same regurgitated Black Actors who boot lick and cow tow their way through Hollywood. How about being appalled at the lack of a wide spread massive Black Hollywood where various perspectives including Tyler Perry's can be widely express. Be pissed at yourself for not spending 80% of your disposable income in the Black community especially living in the Black mecca (Atlanta) which I've watched become a black mess over the last decade.Tyler Perry employs Black people in mass. Tyler Perry hires and gives consistent high paying opportunities to Black above the line and below the line talent unlike anyone else in America including my girl Oprah. Tyler Perry is one man. One perspective and does a lot of good. If his characters makes anyone hold their head down in shame then the joke is really on that person. Obviously you know there is some disgraceful truth staring you right in the face. Otherwise we could freely laugh at ourselves like all other cultures and races do. But because coonery is synonymous to much of which we know is black, we have reason to be concerned. But I digress. What you "gone do" about these truths.....complain then go back to scratching our asses and concerning ourselves with trying to get mines. Dr.King is rolling over in his grave knowing he died for us (then we consciously decide that the back of the bus is more comfortable). That the bottom of the crab barrel is safer. That the bottom of academics, science, medicine, global wealth is more preferred. We have succeeded at failing as a race of people and everyone wants to blame the next negroe instead of taking responsibility for our individual contribution in this madness. See Mr.Brown, Cora, Will, Sasha, Ms.Edna and the Colonel are real.. too damn real....so real that the shit is funny. Gotta laugh to keep from crying. 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Google Tools Good For Urban Start Ups

If you have entrepreneurial dreams, they don't necessarily have to break the bank. Many people are afraid to start a business or live their dreams because of the capital it takes to get going. Well, Google has some great new tools that could come in handy for growing companies. Especially if the budget is zero. Most (if not all) are free! Some have been around for a while, many are newly acquired or created.  Truth is Google has 90+ products at last count in their offerings that can give you an edge in communication as well as business. As the old adage goes, some of the best things in life are indeed free. Hope you find this listing useful to your cause:

List Of Google Products, Services, Tools

  1. Google Search & it’s features - Google search is the most popular search engine on the Web.
  2. Android – Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system , middleware and key applications.
  3. Blogger - A free blog publishing tool for easily sharing your thoughts with the world.
  4. FeedBurner – Allows bloggers and podcasters to manage their RSS feeds.
  5. Google Ad Planner – A free media planning tool that can help you identify websites your audience is likely to visit so you can make better-informed advertising decisions.
  6. Google AdSense – Place contextual Google ads on your site – and earn money.
  7. Google AdWords - Advertise online and pay only when people click on your ad.
  8. Google Affiliate Network (DoubleClick) - Full-service online marketing company specializing in pay-for-performance media.
  9. Google Alerts - Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic.
  10. Google Analytics (Urchin) - Google Analytics makes it easy to improve your results online.
  11. Google Apps - Software-as-a-service for business email, information sharing and security.
  12. Google Base - Google Base is a place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content.
  13. Google Blog Search - Blog Search is Google search technology focused on blogs.
  14. Google Bookmarks - Google Bookmarks is an online service that lets you save your favorite sites and attach labels and comments.
  15. Google Book SearchSearch and preview millions of books from libraries and publishers worldwide.
  16. Google Buzz – Start conversations about the things you find interesting. Share updates, photos , videos and more with your friends.
  17. Google Calendar - Keep track of all your life’s important events – birthdays, reunions, little league games, doctor’s appointments – all in one place.
  18. Google Checkout - Buy from stores across the web and track all your orders and shipping in one place.
  19. Google Chrome - A browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
  20. Google Chromium – The Chromium projects include Chromium and Chromium OS, the open-source projects behind the Google Chrome browser and Google Chrome OS, respectively.
  21. Google Code - Code is for external developers interested in Google related development.
  22. Google Contacts – Similar to an online address book, the Contact Manager gives you easy access to the people you want to reach.
  23. Google Custom Search Engine & Google Subscribed Links – With Google Custom Search Engine and Subscribed Links, you can create a search engine tailored to your needs and lets you create custom search results that users can add to their Google search pages.
  24. Google Dashboard – Google Dashboard offers a simple view into the data associated with your Google Account.
  25. Google Desktop - Search your computer as easily as you search the web with Google.
  26. Google Dictionary - Free online dictionary.
  27. Google Directory - The web organized by topic into categories.
  28. Google DocumentsFree web-based word processor and spreadsheet, which allow you share and collaborate online.
  29. Google Earth & Google Mars - Offers maps and satellite images for complex or pinpointed regional searches.
  30. Google Fast Flip - Read news fast.
  31. Google Finance - Offers a broad range of information about stocks, mutual funds, and companies.
  32. Google Fusion Tables – Share and discuss your data online.
  33. Google Friend Connect – Instantly awakens and strengthens the community that visits your site by enriching it with social features.
  34. Google Gears - A Firefox and Internet Explorer extension that allows to navigate on compatible websites offline and synchronize when going back online.
  35. Google Grants – In-kind advertising for non-profit organizations.

  36. Google Groups - Where groups of people have discussions about common interests.
  37. Google Health - Puts you in charge of your health information.
  38. Google Image Search & Similar Images - The most comprehensive image search on the web. Google Search Images allows you to search for images using pictures rather than words.
  39. Google In QuotesAllows you to find quotes from stories linked to from Google News.
  40. Google Knol - Knol makes it free and easy to create, collaborate on, and publish credible web content.
  41. Google Latitude - See where your friends are on a map.
  42. Google Local Business Center - If you are a business owner Claim your business listing today and let customers find you online!
  43. Google Mail (Gmail) - Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, efficient, and useful.
  44. Google Maps & Google Map Maker - Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions. With Map Maker you can edit the map in more than a hundred countries and watch your edits go into Google Maps.
  45. Google Mars – Provides a visible imagery view, like Google Moon, as well as infrared imagery and shaded relief (elevation) of the planet Mars.
  46. Google Mobile - Upgrade your phone with free Google products.
  47. Google Moderator - A tool that allows distributed communities to submit and vote on questions for talks, presentations and events.
  48. Google Moon – See the Moon in 3D.
  49. Google News, News Archive Search & Google News Timeline - Aggregated headlines and a search engine of many of the world’s news sources. News archive search provides an easy way to search and explore historical archives. News Timeline is a web application that organizes information chronologically.
  50. Google Notebook (SearchWiki) - With Google Notebook, you can browse, clip, and organize information from across the web in a single online location that’s accessible from any computer.
  51. Google Pack – Google Pack is a collection of software tools offered by Google to download in a single archive.
  52. Google Patents - Search the full text of the U.S. patent corpus and find patents that interest you.
  53. Google Postini – Google email security and archiving services, powered by Postini, make your existing email system more secure and compliant.
  54. Google PowerMeter – Save Energy. Save Money. Make a Difference.
  55. Google Product Search (Froogle) - Presents photographs of products and links to the stores that sell them online.
  56. Google Profiles – Decide what the world sees when it searches for you. Display the information you care about and make it easy for visitors to get to know you.
  57. Google Reader - Web based feed reader to keep up with blogs and news.
  58. Google Scholar - Provides a search of scholarly literature across many disciplines and sources, including theses, books, abstracts and articles.
  59. Google Script Converter – Convert text or a webpage.
  60. Google Sets - Automatically create sets of items from a few examples.
  61. Google Sites - Google Sites is a free and easy way to create and share web pages.
  62. Google SketchUp - Create, modify and share 3D models.
  63. Google Sky - Google Sky includes a number of different ways to explore the universe.
  64. Google Squared – Takes a category and creates a starter ‘square‘ of information, automatically fetching and organizing facts from across the web.
  65. Google Street View – Explore the world at street level.
  66. Google Store – Official Google Accessories, Apparel Items, Software, Office Equipment.
  67. Google Subscribed Links – Subscribed Links let you create custom search results that users can add to their Google search pages.
  68. Google Suggest - As you type your search, Google offers keyword suggestions in real time.
  69. Google Talk - Chat with family and friends over the Internet for free.
  70. Google Tasks – Keep track of what you need to do. Your task list stays up to date no matter how you access it. It’s a simple list that’s with you everywhere you go.
  71. Google Toolbar - Internet Explorer and Firefox Toolbar with Google search.
  72. Google Transit – Plan a trip using public transportation.
  73. Google Transliteration – Google Transliteration allows you to type phonetically using Roman characters.
  74. Google TranslateFree online language translation service instantly translates text and web pages.
  75. Google Trends & Google Insights for Search - Compare the world’s interest in your favorite topics. Use Google Insights for Search and see for yourself what the world is searching for.
  76. Google Ventures – Venture Capital – by Google.
  77. Google Video - Search and watch millions of videos indexed from all over the web.
  78. Google Voice – Google Voice gives you one number for all your phones, voicemail as easy as email, free US long distance, low rates on international calls, and more.
  79. Google Wave – Google Wave is a new online communication and collaboration tool.
  80. Google Web Accelerator - Google Web Accelerator works with your browser to help web pages show up in a snap.
  81. Google Web Elements – Google Web Elements allow you to easily add your favorite Google products to your website.
  82. Google Web History - Your web history is stored on Google servers, which means that you can view and manage it from any computer.
  83. Google Webmaster Tools - Provides you with detailed reports about your pages’ visibility on Google.
  84. iGoogle - Your personalized Google home page.
  85. Jaiku - Create your own microblog and connect with your friends.
  86. Orkut - Social networking site designed to make your social life more active and stimulating.
  87. Picasa - Helps you organize, edit, and share your photos.
  88. reCAPTCHA – A captcha system that uses successful decodings to helps digitise books for online use.
  89. Textcube - Korean blogging platform.
  90. YouTube - Share your videos with friends, family, and the world.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Building Good Business Credit for Minority Business Owners (Final Part 2)

I provided alot of information in my last blog to lay the foundation for building solid business credit. The next step is what can be done to build correctly and avoid the stereotypical issues and wasted money. My first recommendation is to establish a profile with experian business.

Smart Creditors are starting to become more and more aware of the tactics used in building D&B paydex scores. For this reason, larger companies and banks are leaning on the credibility of experian business than ever before. It would be wise to contact experian business and check your score. If you don't have a score, then properly register your business with experian business online. 

Next, ask creditors in advance which reports do they pull to determine credit. So, it would be to your advantage to build credit in both places (D&B/Experian Business).

TIPS FOR ACTION: Business Credit helps you lay the financial foundation of your company. Once ruined, you almost always have to start over in a new company name. It's true that you can dispute bad information. And it may be removed "temporarily". But the negative information will continue to loom in the background of your "stressors and statistical data". The type of business you decide to start can make or break your report without you knowing it. Selecting highly profitable and growth industries is key to avoiding this automatic red flag on your business credit. Being a corporation (S Corp, C Corp, LLC, LLP etc) is essential. Maintaining annual registration on your corporation is essential.  Having the appropriate business licenses paid and updated on an annual basis is important. Creating a financial statement certified by a CPA and having it added to your business credit report is mission critical. Choosing the right creditors to work with is the game changer. Know whom you are seeking credit from.......interview them and ask questions. 

Finally, stop paying for these services and take the time to do it yourself. Don't have the time? Have your office manager, accountant or some other reliable internal source help you get things started. Register your company with Experian Business & know your creditors. The bulk of what you need to know and how to get started can be found at http://www.experian.com/small-business/services.jsp (view the links at the bottom of the page).

The Experian Business site has a ton of FREE information on properly starting and building business credit and can answer most of your detailed questions.Let me know how this helps you by following me on twitter @FilmWorksCEO  or  http://swandriasimpson.brand-yourself.com/